Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Stitch and Bitch!

Well, I went to my first Stitch and Bitch last night! I found it through a meet up website, that organises loads of different events around Tokyo, and this one popped out at me. I have always wanted to learn to knit and this seemed like a perfect way to learn something new and meet some new people at the same time. The first hurdle was to find some knitting needles and wool! I googled knitting shops in Tokyo and few came up, including the fab Tokyo Hands Store - a mecca for anyone wanting anything. Anything you can think of, they have, on 6 floors and a rabbit warren of different departments. I could have foraged there all day, but that can be done on another day - heh heh! I got what I wanted and then, with map in hand, trotted to Respekt, the cafe where the meeting had been set up. I was quite nervous and didn't know what to expect, but as soon as I got there, met two English women (Joy and Suzy) and an American woman (Christen), all with bags of knitting and sewing at the ready! Others arrived soon after me - Japanese, Americans and English, and after introducing ourselves, having a great natter, good food ... and some wine... we got down to knitting. Joy started me off and after a v slow start, and lots of help, I managed to knit my first line, and then two! It was a fab night and I am hoping to keep in touch with some of them and head to the next meeting. Hopefully by then I may have the beginnings of a scarf - a bit wobbly and with holes in - but a scarf nonetheless. I may even have it ready for winter! Watch this space....

1 comment:

  1. Just read all your blogs in one sitting what a fab time you are having! Are the stitch and bitch ladies anything like our quilting ladies. May be a little racier judging by the photo!!
