Saturday, 6 March 2010


After having posh drinks, we decided to head to the other end of the scale and go for slummy dinner in an Izakaya - beer hall - in Roppongi. Neil and I had been taken there a few months ago by friends and I was worried about being able to find it again as it was down many back streets and very hidden away. By some miracle, I remembered the way and we were shown to a table where we were squashed in next to other diners in a noisy, smokey atmosphere. Of course, none of the menu was in English so after a bit of looking around and seeing what other people were eating, and fumbling our way through with the use of Dairina's phrasebook, we actually managed to order some items and to cobble together quite an interesting, tasty meal. Washed down with cheap beer, it was perfect!

1 comment:

  1. and who is this guy? is it no 1 having a good time? thank you Katie for looking after him!!!love the paint brushes and the look of the food. Well, love to you Garth, Mama
